THIS IS SO ADORABLE. She actually looks sad like she knows what the song means. It’s so adorable and sad at the same time.
THIS IS SO ADORABLE. She actually looks sad like she knows what the song means. It’s so adorable and sad at the same time.
Beyoncé lets a fan take over during a song, probably for the last time.
YouTuber iSPYwithMYcuriousEYE writes:
This video is awesome only because it is 8am in Jersey City, sitting on a bus filled with people on their way to work and this guy is belting Katy Perry California Girls with a disc man in hand. It was pretty much the best bus ride ever!
CathyMay15 sings ‘Boom, Boom, Boom’, wants to hear you say ‘Wayoh’.
This is what I want at my funeral. A Cat singing Trololo… Then I can die happy.