Video shows professional dirt biker Cody Elkins jumping over an airplane flown by Skip Stewart at the 2014 Cameron Air Show. The two have been working on the stunt for the past 10 years, but Elkins said many air show promoters are hesitant to allow them to perform the trick.
Category: VIDEOS
WOW. I didn’t realize they were connected to so many things that I know and love.
Oh man, it was so relaxing, I dozed off for a minute. Best part is the elephant snoring. It would be like sleeping with a freight train. His poor girlfriend…
No matter how many times you hear it, people are still using their smartphones behind the wheel and killing themselves in the process. It’s tragic and it has to stop. Volkswagen feels the same way, and scared the crap out of a whole cinema full of people to make the point.
The Humans
The Sagan Series is an educational project working in the hopes of promoting scientific literacy in the general population. Created by Reid Gower.
Civilian ends a high-speed car chase
Car fleeing from police goes through park, nearly hits children.
There was a 14 year old driving that car which was his grandfathers. He was speeding and being chased through a park that was populated with children. The owner of the truck was there with his kids and decided to get into his truck and use it if the car decided to turn back into the park.
The car getting chased starts to make its way into the parking lot of the park and the truck driver decided it was time to stop him.
The Fire Lab in Missoula, Montana
Super interesting video about The Fire Lab in Missoula, Montana which studies the spread of fires in an enclosed facility in order to better understand how and why wildfires begin and act in the wild.
The history of the selfie
We live in the age of the selfie. A fast self-portrait, made with a smartphone’s camera and immediately distributed and inscribed into a network, is an instant visual communication of where we are, what we’re doing, who we think we are, and who we think is watching. Selfies have changed aspects of social interaction, body language, self-awareness, privacy, and humor, altering temporality, irony, and public behavior. It’s become a new visual genre—a type of self-portraiture formally distinct from all others in history. Selfies have their own structural autonomy. This is a very big deal for art. Here are some interesting facts about the selfie.
Best News Bloopers May 2014
Funny news bloopers that hit the internet in May 2014.
Reading Rainbow is about the ultimate campaign. Teaching kids to read, giving it away for free, and having LeVar involved at every level. This thing is probably going to hit 3mil which is enough to put it with the all time highest funded projects. What makes it special is that it’s mainly being funded to help other people rather than for a product solely for personal use.