WOW. I didn’t realize they were connected to so many things that I know and love.
WOW. I didn’t realize they were connected to so many things that I know and love.
Grace Ciao is a fashion illustrator from Singapore. She draws inspiration from everything around her. Her favourite materials are watercolours and flowers. Here are her amazing Fashionary sketches inspired by flowers!
And it is not just her attention to detail that makes her flower dresses work. There is something very fractal about her designs which use natural proportion in a way that is very pleasing to the eye.
SKLZ has the perfect gadget for those who like to play basketball in the yard, but are too lazy to chase every ball thrown!
What are you waiting for?
Try out the Cosmic Panda-Projekt!
Of course, this is just pure speculation, but no doubt having a brushed aluminum back similar to the first iPad would be kind of nice.
Designer: Michal Bonikowski