Watch this video with your family and friends to learn small steps that have a big impact on the well-being of our oceans.
Tag: national geographic
Maggots Can Save Your Life
Plenty of words come to mind at the mention of maggots. Gross, disgusting… helpful? Watch as hundreds of maggots are used to clean a woman’s open wound.
Swallowing a Beating Chicken Heart
Would you swallow the beating heart of a chicken to regain your courage?
Aww Of The Day
These little baby penguins have grown 10 times their size in only 3 weeks! Their parents have a lot of feeding to do.
White Shark on the Isla de Guadalupe
Cage divers confront a great white shark on the Isla de Guadalupe. (Photo and caption by David Litchfield/Nature/National Geographic Photo Contest)
Anaconda Hunts the World’s Largest Rodent
When you’re an anaconda, you don’t need venom to take down your prey… even if it’s the world’s largest rodent, a capybara, weighing somewhere in the neighborhood of one hundred pounds!
Spectacular Dam Removal Time Lapse
The White Salmon River in Washington state is flowing again as the nearly 100-year-old Condit Dam was disabled with explosives Wednesday. The reservoir draining took about 2 hours. Further demolition is scheduled in 2012. The event is a significant milestone for river restoration and dam removal nationwide.
Damn Nature, You Scary!
Japanese giant hornets pack a venomous sting so strong it can dissolve human tissue. But when a hornet scout enters a beehive, watch as the bees turn the tables on their enemy — and literally bake the predator to death!
The most insane man I have ever seen!
Mountain climber Alex Honnold seems to defy gravity, scaling sheer, steep rock faces with no rope and apparently no fear.
Drunk Monkeys
Grand theft auto monkeys available for ps3 xbox 360 and pc.